Corporate Compliance
Ridgecrest Regional Hospital is committed to promoting compliance with all applicable rules, regulations and laws that govern Federal and State healthcare programs, including Medicare and Medi-Cal.
We are also committed to ensuring that our organization operates under the highest ethical and moral standards. Our Compliance Officer is tasked with monitoring, advising and improving upon the Hospital’s adherence to these rules, regulations and laws.
RRH’s Board of Directors are ultimately responsible to ensure that the organization functions in a compliant and ethical manner. RRH’s Corporate Compliance Program and Organizational Ethics Statement provide guidance to our employees, as well as to our governing board and physicians, and assists us in carrying out our daily activities in accordance with applicable ethical and legal standards. RRH’s policy regarding Compliance with Federal and State Claims Acts sets forth standards to ensure that claims are submitted properly and that no retaliation will occur when an individual raises a legitimate issue of concern regarding RRH’s compliance with applicable standards. RRH has numerous policies related to compliance with HIPAA, EMTALA, coding, and other topics which are available on RRH’s electronic Policy & Procedure Manager.
Our obligations to act in an ethical and compliant manner apply to our relationships with patients, physicians, third-party payers, subcontractors, independent contractors, vendors, consultants, and one another. No written words can substitute for each person’s own internal sense of fairness, honesty, and integrity. Thus, in your daily life and work, if you encounter a situation or are considering a course of action that does not feel right, please discuss the situation with your supervisor, another manager, the CEO or the Compliance Department. RRH’s commitment to compliance and ethics is dependent upon each of us doing the right thing, all the time.