COVID-19 Vaccine
All California residents 5 years and older are now eligible for the Covid-19 Vaccine.
- The Pfizer/Comirnaty vaccine has full FDA approval for persons aged 5 and older.
- The FDA has authorized emergency use of the Pfizer vaccine for ages 12-17 years of age.
- Moderna and Johnson & Johnson (Janssen) vaccines are approved under emergency use authorization for anyone aged 18 years and older.
Please note that all three of the FDA-authorized vaccines (Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson's Janssen) were 100% effective at preventing severe symptoms related to COVID-19 in clinical trials. We urge you to get whichever vaccine is available to you, wherever you can get the earliest appointment.
For more information, visit the dedicated “Vaccinate Kern” website
Remember your actions continue to save lives. Wear a mask, wash your hands, keep your distance, and when it's your turn, get vaccinated.
Now scheduling Pfizer BioNTech/Comirnaty,
Pediatric vaccines for ages 5-11.
By appointment only for established patients. New patients are required
to establish with a clinic first, including a well child visit.
Call to schedule:
Rural Health Pediatrics:
(760) 499-3846
Appointments: 8 AM - 6 PM (Mon - Fri)
Southern Sierra Medical Clinic:
(760) 446-6404
Appointments: 8 AM - 4 PM (Fridays only)
Now scheduling Pfizer BioNTech/Comirnaty,
Moderna and Johnson & Johnson Boosters.
Those who received both doses of Comirnaty/Pfizer or Moderna are eligible five months after completion of the primary series. CDC is recommending the boosters for people:
If you received Pfizer-BioNTech
Who should get a booster:
- Everyone 12 years and older
When to get a booster:
- At least 5 months after completing your primary COVID-19 vaccination series
Which booster can you get:
- Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna (mRNA COVID-19 vaccines) are preferred in most* situations
- Teens 12–17 years old may only get a Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine booster
If you received Moderna
Who should get a booster:
- Adults 18 years and older
When to get a booster:
- At least 5 months after completing your primary COVID-19 vaccination series
Which booster can you get:
- Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna (mRNA COVID-19 vaccines) are preferred in most* situations
If you received Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen*
Who should get a booster:
- Adults 18 years and older
When to get a booster:
- At least 2 months after receiving your J&J/Janssen COVID-19 vaccination
Which booster can you get:
- Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna (mRNA COVID-19 vaccines) are preferred in most* situations
*Although mRNA vaccines are preferred, J&J/Janssen COVID-19 vaccine may be considered in some situations.
Vaccination Schedule & Appointments:
Who is currently eligible for vaccination?
- Anyone 5 years and older living in California
- Youth aged 5 to 17 years are currently ONLY authorized by the FDA to receive the Pfizer BioNTech / Comirnaty vaccine.
Where can I find vaccine locations near me?
- Visit the Kern County Public Health website to find COVID-19 Vaccination Locations.
- Click the interactive map or “Find Vaccination Sites Near You” to search and find vaccination sites.
- Check the site search regularly, as vaccine locations and clinics will be added and removed based on vaccine availability.
- For individuals aged 5-17, you can also check to see the vaccine type available at each location. 5-17 year olds are currently only authorized by the FDA to receive the Pfizer BioNTech / Comirnaty vaccine.
How do I schedule an appointment?
- Currently Rural Health (1111 N. China Lake) accept walk-ins for COVID vaccines and Boosters, Mon-Fri 830-11 & 130-4p – no appointment needed. Southern Sierra & Pediatrics do need to call and schedule an appointment. You can also use MyTurn to schedule at other locations (local pharmacies, etc.)
You can also contact our
RRH Clinics directly to schedule your vaccine appointment:
- Rural Health Primary Care Clinic (760) 499-3855
- Southern Sierra Medical Clinic (760) 446-6404
- Or ask an RRH Provider at your next appointment -
Appointments can also be booked using the state registration system MyTurn:
- All residents 5 years* and older are eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.
- If vaccine is available you can schedule an appointment through MyTurn.
- If no appointments/locations are available, it means there is no local vaccine supply at that time. MyTurn will notify you when appointments are available.
Visit to register or call the Kern County Public Health Call Center at (661) 321-3000 for appointments and assistance. - Vaccine inventory is linked to the MyTurn system and appointment availability is based on the vaccine supply available at a given time. If vaccine appointments are unavailable locally in MyTurn when you first register, sign up to get notified and check daily.
*5-17 year olds are only authorized to receive the Pfizer/Comirnaty vaccine.
Visit MyTurn to schedule your appointment:
Why are there no appointments available?
- RRH encourages our local community to utilize all resources available to them to schedule an appointment and book at the location that becomes first available to them.
- Ridgecrest and the surrounding area has a number of vaccine providers listed, including: RRH, Albertsons Sav-on, Walgreens, RiteAid.
What vaccines are currently available?
There are currently 3 vaccines currently available:
RRH is currently posting clinics available for all three vaccine types.
Which vaccine is the best to receive?
- All three vaccines have been authorized by the FDA. Pfizer has received full FDA approval. Moderna and Johnson & Johnson are authorized for emergency use.
- The best option is the vaccine that becomes available to you.
- For questions about your medical condition or whether you should get the vaccine, please contact your primary care provider.
Drive-Thru COVID-19 Vaccine Process:
Where do I go for my vaccine at RRH?
When vaccine supply is available at RRH, appointments will open up in the MyTurn system and scheduled appointments will take place at our drive through vaccination site. In some cases your vaccination appointment may take place at the provider's clinic.
- A) Drive to back of hospital (see Map)
- B) Arrive at your scheduled time (not early)
- C) You will be instructed where to park (follow guidance from team in bright jackets)
- D) Put your car in park
- E) You will be checked in, and given consent forms to sign
- F) You will be vaccinated inside your car
- G) Please wear comfortable clothing so we can access your shoulder
- H) You will be asked to wait 15 minutes after vaccination
- I) A nurse will evaluate you, and you will be released to drive home
Facts About COVID-19 Vaccination(CDC)
Understanding How Vaccines Work (CDC)
COVID-19 Vaccine Development (FDA)
What to Expect After Getting a COVID-19 Vaccine
Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)
COVID-19 Vaccines and Severe Allergic Reactions
COVID-19 Vaccination Considerations - Underlying Medical Conditions
COVID-19 Vaccine Information for Healthcare Providers (KCPH)