WCW Michael Cox, RN, Clinical Nurse Educator
- Category: We Care Wednesday

About this Video
Congratulations to Michael Cox, RN, Clinical Nurse Educator, for being recognized for WCW. Michael is always a great help in Education and getting all of our courses built into Relias. He is prompt, thorough and courteous and always a pleasure to work with. - Quality Department We appreciate Mike for his super flexibility and his situational calmness in the face of panic. He is always ready to teach extra classes. He is also great at helping sort thru chaos to provide the exceptional learning experience. He is also our go to person for professional, personal advice and support. In addition to his outstanding knowledge, he shares his insight with students and coworkers. Mike has developed several in-services and has tackled Relias for every employee at the hospital. He maintains his professionalism during difficult circumstances at times. We appreciate him and are fortunate to have him on our team! - Angel, Paula and Lorie (his education department coworkers)